Friday, August 28, 2009

Koby's Day

The day for Koby was just about as perfect as can be! We started off going hiking in Hinkley Reservation, part of the Cleveland Metroparks We did our hiking at Whipps Ledges, where Koby got to climb on rocks, and hike until his heart was content! This is what a smiling happy dog looks like!

Whipps Ledges

After our hike, we decided to cool off in the Spillway Pool. This is a pool at the bottom of an old dam off of Hinckley Lake.

Here's the pool, the lake is on top of the dam.

Kids loved it here, they were jumping off the side into the pool below. Everyone was watching these kids cause the little one in blue wouldn't jump off as high as his big brothers!

Here's the creek that comes off the pool that we walked around in and cooled off!Then we ate at this picnic table at Top O' Lakes picnic area. After we were done we headed home and had pizza Sunday just for Koby to have some pizza crust! Yum. What a good way to spend a Sunday!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Koby!

Our little puppy Kobayashi turned 5 yesterday! How did time pass so fast? It seems like just yesterday we fell in love with the little fuzzy puppy in the pet store! When we left the store from looking at him, all I could do the whole night was keep looking at the picture we took of him on Robb's phone~I just had to have him! :o) Koby is the best dog to ever have in the whole world. We could never have imagined how much our lives would be made better by this fuzz ball! A dog is a really special guy to have. Sunday we're celebrating by doing everything that Koby loves. We're going hiking, swimming, and rollerblading in Hinkley, and coming home to make pizza Sunday just for him! Pizza crust is his most favorite food in the whole world!
Baby Koby

5 Year Old Koby

Koby and Daddy

Beach Dog

Koby and Mommy

Hiking Dog

Mountain Goat Dog

Happy Maine Dog

Snuggly Dog


Up until now, one of the things I hate most in the world is running. I just get so bored so fast, and have never enjoyed it any. Well this summer, I decided I really want to get in shape fast, and of course the best way to do that is to run! (Yuck) So as a personal goal, I decided to get over the fact that I hate this activity so much and run a 5K. A 5K is 3.1 miles. My goal since I'm not the fastest person on earth was to run this distance in under 45 minutes. I got a plan called "from couch potato to 5K in 6 weeks" and over and 8 week period, trained according to this schedule. This is an interval-training schedule, which in theory is supposed to get you up and running the easiest. My first day was to walk 5 minutes, and then run 1 minute, and walk one minute 10 times. This was very hard for me as I went up to the hot black track and boringly ran around what felt like a million times. It was torture! I had to make it easier for myself, and thought of how I enjoyed running in the trails a long time ago with Stacy. So the next time I went to the park and ran 2 minutes and walked 4, 5 times. It was much much better. Not only was it cooler in the trees, and more interesting as scenery changed when I ran, but I swear it was easier because there was more oxygen from all the trees. This is just my theory, but I really am starting to like running through the park! I added my very best buddy Koby, and it turns out that he really likes to jog along next to me. That made it not so lonely either. I had a little set back as I was determined that running was a "free" way to get in shape, but started having serious problems with my feet. Every morning after running, I could barely walk, as my arches, and already not so great ankles just killed so bad. I was running in Nike running shoes, which I thought was fine. Upon talking to runners and my sister, they told me that I really needed new shoes! I was so hesitant to buy them as I didn't have the $100 to spend on my "free" sport. Then one day when I was amazing myself by being able to run 7 minutes straight, I couldn't finish my run because my feet hurt more than ever. When I came home crying because I was so frustrated that my body could run, but my feet were stopping me, Robb took me straight up to the running specialty store Achilles. They are a locally run specialty store that solved all my problems! The guy really impressed us, evaluating my stride, and ankles. He "diagnosed" me with arches that would fall if I didn't get proper support, and pronating ankles. This was the cause of my foot and ankle pain, and he tried on several pairs of shoes that were designed to put my feet in the right position so these things didn't stop me! I left the store without the shoes, but feeling much better that it wasn't me, just my shoes. After much convincing from Robb that I needed shoes, I scrounged up what money we didn't have and bought my fabulous new shoes! I waited a few days for my feet to heal and gave them a whirl: PAIN FREE, to this day!! About a week later, we were having dinner at my parents to send my sister off to Africa, and my parents gave her and me an early Christmas present since she wouldn't be around in December! To my surprise, they gave me what I needed to buy my running shoes! Even better, still a free sport! :o) (Thanks Mom and Dad!)

Finally after all these weeks of running, I was up to speed to complete my 5K! I decided to do the race at the Twinsdays festival in Twinsburg, as it was just the date that fit my training schedule. Most of signing up for this race was a concrete event that I couldn't woos out of. The race was down and back a partially shaded park paved path and then finished up on one lap of a track to the finish line! On race morning, I was very excited, and a little nervous. There were so many professional looking runners and they were very very fast. We got there at 7:30 am as I thought the race started at 8. This would've worked out fine as between 8-9 the temperature was predicted to be in the 70's. Well as it turns out, I read wrong, and the race started at 9. Between 9 and 10, when i was running, the temperature got up to almost 90* and it was super humid! I have never felt like my head was so hot, and it was super hard to run. The heat was just completely and utterly draining, not a variable I had taken into account. At the halfway point, I didn't drink the water, just dumped it over my head. I run at night so the morning thing was hard enough, but in the evenings, the temperature is rather cool and refreshing, not like 90+ with humidity! When I finally got to the exit of the path, and close to the track, I really had to give everything I had to keep running. It was very exciting running up to the finish line, but I had to hurry to get my personal goal. I finished this hottest race ever at 44:01 and couldn't be more proud of myself! We got free Subway and fruit, relaxed for a bit and listened to the results. Some runners ended up bringing their dogs to run with them, which made me wish I brought my running partner! Then we went home where exhausted me slept for like 3 hours! Here's the highlights of my race taken by my wonderful cheering section, Robb! My next race will be on September 12th in Perry, and this time it should be more fun, as it's a trail race (which I like) that does start at 8 in the morning, and I'll be bringing my dog!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Still More!

So if you didn't know, Robb has a HUGE family. It's taken me years and years to get to know everyone, how they're related, and their names. Even after all these years, there's still more! Last Saturday, I met Robb's cousin Kelly and her husband Chris for the first time ever! They've been living in Taiwan, teaching English there. The last time Robb saw them was his wonderful trip to Hawaii with his family back in 2001. We had a nice visit at the party room at Robb's Grandma Shirley's condos. Here's some pics of the whole side of that side of his family! Whole Family (and some of the table the camera was sitting on)Kelly, Robb, Kelly's mom, and Robb's stepmom BetsyMom and her kids: Aunt Laura, Grandma Shirley, Uncle Bob, Aunt Sue, and BetsyCousin Kelly and her husband ChrisRobb and sister Kendra

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Vintage Ohio

Last Friday my friend BriAnne and her husband Kevin came in to visit from Syracuse, NY. They came in around lunch time and then went up to Vintage Ohio for the night. Vintage Ohio is at the Lake Metroparks Farmpark and it's a festival where you go around and sample different wines from several Ohio wineries. Last year we went to NY to visit them, and we went to their Cayuga wine trail and sampled all day long! So this was a really fun thing to do with them since we all love wine! We sampled and sampled and sampled all night long, ate some good sausage sandwiches for dinner, and then finished the night off with some really good fireworks! They spent the night on our couch bed (I hope you were comfortable :o) and then we went to our funny JT's Diner for breakfast. Had such a great time-so good to see them!

BriAnne and Kevin Passerell!

Where do we begin? (Are we in Maine?)

Dinner! YUM!

One of our "repeat" favorites! Reisling please!Robb and me!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Take me out to the ball game!

Today I went to the Indians game with tickets from work! These were fantastic seats right along first base side in the "Club" section. It was SO cool! Little did I know there was unlimited food! I love baseball stadium food! I seriously sampled almost dogs, waffle frys, onion rings, pizza, nachos and cheese, pretzles, and the best of all, UNLIMITED ICE CREAM AND COTTON CANDY!!!!!!! Yes!!! I probably ate like $50 of food! It was awesome not to have to pick just my favorites becaues everything costs like $20. It was like Willy Wonka at the baseball park. What a deal! Plus, no work today!! (Needless to say, my 5K is in 3 days, so I'll be running my butt off tonight to make up for all the wonderful junk I ate today.)

Here's where I was sitting. Foul ball territory.This is not a postcard. Yes, I took this picture. It's a beautiful sunny day with the Tribe, Q, and Terminal Tower.Indians win! 2-1 over the Twins! Good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game
No this is not a postcard. She is not a professional spokesperson, just me on a sugar high! (Remember, unlimited cotton candy...)