I was so excited when Stacy asked me to take care of Aidan for the day while she took care of some family things... I took the afternoon off of work, and headed over to start our adventure. I'll apologize for the long post, but need to catch up on everything!
Oh, and the word of the day was no! So I used opposite day. I said, "Aidan, do want to stay here, and sleep all day?"
"Aidan, do want to not go to the park and be bored?"
My first thing to do was feed him lunch. In November Aidan will be 2, so here's an afternoon in the life of a 1 and a halfish old boy...

Lunch started off good, with a pb sandwich, cucumbers, and milk. He was a great eater, but then...

What was so funny???

Oh, cucumbers on the floor. Hilarious. Obviously, lunch time was over.

Then, it was time to get ready to go to the duck pond. It was a pretty warm day, and I was almost positive, we'd end up in some creek, so I got Aidan dressed in his swimsuit, crocs, and shirt. While I got the rest of the kid stuff together, Aidan had no problem entertaining himself. He just turned on the tv and stood there watching and flipping channels!

Here he his, being contained by his car seat making a silly face at me. I was warned by Stacy before she left that Aidan loves to just run away, so keep him contained or watch him at all times. Well, that is easier said than done... I needed to get everything in the car, but I can't leave him in the house, so I strapped him in the car seat, turned on the air, and loaded up! Secured! Oh, and before we left, he also was not allowed down the basement, and kept trying to open the door. My solution, which just perplexed him, and solved the problem, was to put a shoe on the door knob. He didn't know what to do!

Here cutie Aidan is when we go to the duck pond. He was just enjoying the day, rolling around, and then noticed...

A goose! This face, was his, "what the heck is that thing" face.

He ended up really liking the goose, and watched him very carefully as he swam away. After looking at the lightly stocked duck pond, we walked on the boardwalk around the lake, and looked at other birds that were surprisingly close to us. It was getting pretty hot, so we found a nice shady spot right by a creek in the woods. Oh, other thing Stacy warned me about was once Aidan got out of his stroller, it would be very hard to get him back in. (More about that later)

Here Aidan is, running away, the second I took him out of his stroller. He was not very happy about being caught until he saw the water!

We walked down the "steps" and stuck our toes in the refreshing creek.

Cute toes!

Aidan LOVED the creek.

And then he discovered the rocks in the creek!

He was hooked!

For about a half hour we walked around, picking up and putting down, every rock he could get.

He's only like 2 feet tall, so for a 5 foot plus person, this gets a little bendy real fast.

Splashing around!

Then a leaf went by. Aidan wanted it!

It was a little slippery to be chasing leaves (one hand on the kid, one hand on the camera), and I was really tired of walking around all bent over.


Plunk! Perfect. He didn't go anywhere, played with rocks, and I got to sit on the creek bed, and take a billion pictures!

Stacy called, we had to go, and then came hurdle number... I lost count..Aidan screamed like CRAZY, like I just cut off his foot, when I put him in a towel, in the stroller to go back. I remembered a mom trick, and stuck his water in his mouth, and he instantly (luckily) drank it and settled down.

All in all, I think the day went wonderful! See, success! He was out like a light!! When I got him back to Stacy, he was happy, a little wet, and had worn his shirt backwards all day! He didn't care. Hanging out with Aidan, was super fun! Love you!!