(June 25th)
I can't believe that Little B is 2 already! I went down to Dayton to spend the weekend with Jill and him to celebrate his birthday! We had a wonderful weekend, and did lots of fun things. I got there Friday afternoon, which was Braden's actual birthday. We started celebrating by going to a few party stores to pick out party
supplies for his party the following weekend. I had wanted to get him an Elmo balloon, and we found the perfect one! He loved it!

Here is Braden, riding home with his new balloon!

One of our stops was to Olive Garden for Jill craving of chocolate
gelato. I have to admit, it was very good, so no complaints from me or Braden! Sadly, they were taking the
gelato off the menu after they ran out. While we waited for our ice cream, I taught Braden to read the dessert menu. It's funny, because he's very good at remembering pictures and what they are. He learned some fancy
Italian dessert names including
gelato and
We went to make his requested birthday dinner of "fish". Braden woke up in the morning, and Jill asked him what he wanted for his birthday dinner, and he said "fish." All day, we were laughing about it, because,
every time we asked what he wanted he said "fish!" How funny that a 2 year old wants fish, so that's what a 2 year old got, and he ate every bite!
After dinner, it was decided that Braden needed a cake for his birthday, which I think he was very happy to have.

Here we are, decorating his very own cake!

And then the fun begins..( I have some hilarious videos that I'll do in the next post)

Braden had the best time blowing out his candle! I was impressed that he actually understood how to do it. We repeated this several times!

Little B and his cake!

Lighting it again!

What a nice cake! And yes, it tasted even better than it looked!

Braden just jumped right in and took a big bite of cake! No forks required!

This pic is a little blurry, but I just love the
mischievous grin on Braden's face after he bit the cake!

One big lick!

Here's Jill and her birthday boy!

This quickly became very fun for Braden to eat the cake just like this!

Here is Braden "licking" (eating) his candle!




Then we decided to cut him a real piece to enjoy! That cake was GOOD!

And then we blew out candles again, and again, and again.........to be continued with video!