Sunday, February 26, 2012

Friday Flowers

Friday I came home to these beautiful flowers and a lovey card from my sweet husband! What a way to start off the much needed weekend!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Because of Melt...

I LOVE Brussels sprouts! (and know how to cook them so I do)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Where's all the snow?

We miss winter, we really do. Although, we take some comfort knowing we'll go where winter did, to Whistler! So far they have over 23 feet of snow! One thing I LOVE most is snow covered pine trees! Guess we picked the place for this!
Isn't this a cool picture? The top of the mountain looks like it has a big star on top! Just like one big Christmas Tree!

Plane Pictures

One last post of memories from Florida...On our way out, we got a shuttle view of KSC.
Good bye Florida!
I like to take cloud pictures from planes. It's a view you really don't see very often, and so pretty!
This was a gorgeous formation with the sun hitting it in just the right way.
Sunset from a plane. What a wonderful experience!