Today our Sweet Pea turned 5!! It's hard to believe, time is flying!! My mission on my animals birthday is to do all their favorite things. I think we did pretty good today! 

Char slept in an lounged around this morning. It's ok to relax on your birthday.
I baked these special peanut butter banana squirrels for a birthday treat and to celebrate at school tomorrow. After I was done working, we plyed obedience school, and then played agility in the yard, until Robb got home. Then we went out for some fun. Our first stop was Petsmart, where we let Charley pick a new toy out from the bins. Guess what he picked... a BIG ball! (big surprise;)
Aftrwards, we headed to the park for a nice hike, talked about fun things we would do with Charley as a 5 year old, and then went home for dinner and cake!!
Charley's cake was made of chewy pizza dough, aka the crust! We made it just for him, it's his favorite part, and he enjoyed every bit.
Happy birthday my Sweetest Pea! I love every moment I spend with you. You are one very special boy. XO!!