The next day after Christmas, we spent the evening at Robb's mom's house. We're starting to master the art of spreading out Christmas, and other then Christmas Day, we can enjoy a good amount of time at each party. Otherwise, it's just too stressful leaving early from one place, to get somewhere else late, and when we got home we barely remembered anything we just did. So now we spread it out as much as possible...
Robb's mom's tree
One of the things I got for Christmas was sparkly purple eyeliner from my sweetie and several purple eyeshadows. I played around with my purple all to get prepped for this close up! Note my opal necklace!
Action photo getting ready to eat.
Robb's mom made a delicious ham, along with cheesy potatoes, mixed veggies, stuffing, and for dessert...Christmas Tree Coffee Cake! That's coffee cake number 2!
For Robb's parents gifts this year, his brothers and sisters and me got our picture taken. Here's his mom opening her photo!
Robb's cousin Ryan, brother DJ, and Bradey, our designated crumb picker upper. DJ was very generous and gave Robb and I a Home Depot Gift card which will come in very handy in our upcoming renovations! From Robb's sister Kendra, she gave us a hand decorated "wedding fund" piggy bank.