The Saturday before last we had Thanksgiving #1 at Robb's mom's house with his mom, sister Kendra, Aunt Nancy, Harry, Robb, and me. It was a very relaxing night, filled with good food, wonderful homemade pumpkin brownies (made by the official dessert maker, me :o), and Mad Gab. Mad Gab is like the most hilarious game. We barely ever get to play it because we never have enough people, but it really got us roaring after dinner. Basically you have teams and pick cards with funny words on them that when you read it out loud, sound like something else. Our original favorite is "RAISED HERBAL AIDS". Say it out loud. Really, say it again. Then what do you hear? The game is for your partner to guess what you're trying to say. This on is "Razor Blades". Pretty funny! Oh and I especially love this Thanksgiving because our bear can come! We're so glad he's always welcome at Grandma's!

All the yummy food!

Close up of my plate.

Action photo of everyone getting their meals

Me and my pup napping after dinner.
We didn't take pictures of Thanksgiving #2 or #3. These were both on Thanksgiving Day. Our first stop was at Robb's Dad's girlfriend Kathy's house. We at a very nice dinner there and tried not to stuff ourselves too much because right after we were going to Thanksgiving #3 at my Aunt Cyndy's. To that dinner I brought sweet rolls and roasted mashed butternut squash with fried sage leaves on top. And on a side note, the sage was a last minute addition to the dish that I went to 3 grocery stores the day before to find. Giant Eagle sucks!!! Heinens rules!!! I went to 2 Giant Eagles, looked through messy understocked produce, was packed in the store like a sardine with a million other last minute idiots, and found NO sage. When I went to Heinens, I easily found a fully stocked store and fast moving lines and many packets of nice organic SAGE. And it was cheaper! That's all I have to say about that!
We hope everyone had a thankful and full Thanksgiving!!!
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