Here are the rules for the award:
1-Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2-Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3-Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4-Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5-Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6-Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7-Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.
Ok Jill, THANK YOU for my blog award~ and for the record, this is the only time I'm ever going to do a blog chain letter! And, it would by default end with me, cause I only follow one other blog, and she hasn't put anything on there in 2 months- or maybe nothing else was as exciting as visiting us since then, ha, ha ;O) (You should put your Halloween party on your blog~I wish we were going to be there!) And the other one I follow isn't really a blog, it's a photo gallery~ so put some new pictures of your cute son!!!
I can't believe chain letters made it into the blog world! Here's something that makes me feel old... Before the Internet was even around, I used to get chain letters in the actual mail, handwritten from pen pals! Can you believe it's come as far as writing your life on the Internet and anyone being able to be your "pen pal?" I'm not even that old and so much has changed in the world, I feel like a grandma!
Anyways, here we go with the 7 things about me:
1. I really like to cook, and would love to open up my own sandwich restaurant. It couldn't be in Cleveland or anywhere near, cause I'm stealing someone else's idea. It just is the best restaurant in the whole world, which I already have my own twist on the menu. Ideally it would be in...
2. Maine! After visiting there twice, I really want to move there. I've never been to a more perfect place for me. It has everything that I want in my life! It has lots of pine trees, moss, beaches, ocean, fresh air, outside things to do, log cabins, and a totally different lifestyle and way people are. Best of all, they love their dogs and they are welcome everywhere you go! It is the best environment to grow...
3. Christmas trees! I love Christmas trees. I love to lay under the Christmas tree and look up through it when it's all lit up. One day I would like to have a Christmas tree farm. I would grow blue spruces, white pines (cause their so soft and good for kids), balsam firs (they grow the best in Maine, and are the best spelling pine variety), and probably one other general use kind. Blue spruces don't last long, balsam firs are rather expensive because they take so long to grow, so I'd need a fast growing variety that I can make wreaths out of. By the way I like to...
4. Make wreaths. I've made two wreaths so far for Christmas. One is a lit up with bells, bows, and these little glass Christmas balls. The other is so cool and took me forever, but it's cinnamon scented pine cones hot glued them onto a grapevine. Then I accented it with red sparkly poinsettias....
5. Which I HATE!!! I hate poinsettias. When I worked at the florist, I had to clean the plant, cut and put foil on it, and make bows for literally hundreds of poinsettias. If you don't know about a poinsettia, when you break a stem open, it oozes with a sticky white sap. This sap when it dried, turned brown, and permanently spotted my skin. For like 2 months straight every year, my hands were do disgusting and dirty looking. Therefore, I hate poinsettias for that very reason, and that they kill cats because they are very toxic, and stupid people buy them anyways, and their cat chews it and dies. At Christmas! How horrible that would be... to kill your cat at Christmas...
6. I've had 9 cats throughout my life and 1 dog. Blacky, Purrli Frisky Flash Turkey Gobbler, Buttons, Daisy, Honey, Cala, Rugby, and Chester. 6 girls and 2 boys. I love my cats... But I've only had 1 dog. Kobayashi "Koby". I never knew how fantastic having your "own" dog is. I've watched and played with dogs all my life, but it's so different when he's yours. My whole life everyday is made incredibly better because of him. He's really my little buddy!
7. I have like 1 million nail polishes. I don't know why, but I love every different color of nail polish. I've had a lot of nail polishes since I was old enough to have my nails painted. I used to line them up in rainbow order on my dresser until I go so many they filled up the dresser and I had to keep them in a big box.
That was kinda fun! I have to go help Robb make taco pizza now (it's Friday!), so Stacy or Bri, if you want to do the award thing, go ahead! You're the only bloggers I got!
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