Throughout my countless hours online looking at wedding stuff, I stumbled across this wonderful blog that every time I read has brought my stress level way down. The girl who hosts the blog got married 3 years ago on just a $2000 budget. I love reading the stories on there, which remind me about the real reason for our wedding, Robb and I. It's very easy to get swept into the "wedding industry whirlwind." All of the propaganda, flashy websites, and what is proper etiquette, tend to put undo pressure on those getting married, making it easy to stray from what really matters to them. In addition, like all other media, has turned the population into zombies who expect certain things from those getting married, instead of celebrating the individualities of the couple. I go to this blog, anytime I need to get back to what matters for Robb and I, which is getting married and sharing this very special event with our closest friends and family.
I love this quote for a recent post, "When you're in Wedding-Planning-Mode, it can be so easy to fall into the habit of examining E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G under a microscope. The smallest things feel like the biggest deal. The more wedding blogs or magazines you subject yourself to, the higher the standards rise. Sometimes it can be helpful to step back and remember the little things don't matter as much as they might seem to in the moment."
In addition,
this post really hit home for me, and instantly calmed my spinning head. It brought me back to the focus on having a wedding that is authentic to Robb and I, which is so extremely important to us, and how we live our lives, regardless of wedding media, etiquette, or other social pressures of those who challenge our ideals. Wonderful inspiration!
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