I will never ever forget being in Tahoe, when they had 155 inches of snow in a matter of days. Yes, days. I had never seen so much snow in my whole life, and still haven't. The roads looked just like this! It made for the most amazing snowboarding EVER!
Kirkwood is the mountain/ski resort in Tahoe that gets the most snow. Something about the way weather comes over the Sierra Nevada's, it always drops the most on
Kirkwood. It is really sureal.
Please click this link for a bigger photo.
Carson Spur Monster Snowbanks - iWitness Weather Photos and Video Photo "After 12 feet of new snow in a week, the
Caltrans crew were working hard to clear Highway 88 westbound around Carson Spur. They shuttled cars to Silver Lake on Saturday afternoon, because, as you can see, they were still working on that snowbank.
Kirkwood has received 475 inches of snowfall to date." That's almost 40 feet!!
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