Here's puppy school!
This is me and Charley, practicing walking. Charley learned how to heal (which he's naturally very good at), and then stop when I stop, and sit. He was very good at this.
Here's Charley again, sitting by the "stop" cone. Good job!
This exercise teaches the puppy to listen to your voice and come to you. (We're still working on this, especially with coming in from outside) The teacher would hold the puppy, and the handler went behind that curtain in the corner. Then we'd call our dog and see if they could find us. Charley did great!
Then the other person who was with the dog got to come out and hide, and do the same thing. Here's Robb and Charley playing foot-paw high five while waiting for their turn.
Ok, Charley is up!
After class, we had puppy play time. This was a good chance for the puppies to socialize with each other. (we're very lucky that Charley gets to socialize often with the pack of dogs our neighbors dog sit, so he was an old pro) They also got to explore strange textures and objects, like a teeter totter, walking through a ladder, and tunnel. I love this picture because all of the puppies are blurs, and the humans are in focus. Just like real life with a puppy!
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