Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bark in the Park

Koby heard about this fun thing to do called Bark in the Park, from his neighbors, Roxanne and Bradley. They told him it was a party just for dogs! They would have games, painting, caricatures, demonstrations, food, all for puppies! So we took him! It was super fun! Koby had a lot of snacks, played "musical dogs", got his picture drawn, and hung out with his friends. They had a huge turn out, dogs were having fun everywhere!!!Bark in the ParkKoby's neighbors, Roxanne (with our neighbor Ron), and Bradley (Future Leader Dog Puppy, with our neighbor Linda) playing Musical Dogs.Our neighbor Linda doing a presentation about Leader Dogs for the Blind. She is talking about Leo, their first puppy that she raised, and his mom Lori. They did a demonstration about how Leo helps Lori. Koby getting a caricature drawn! It looks perfect, and as you can see, he captured Koby perfectly!
Back at home playing with his new stuffed animal toy and rope chew I made for him.

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