Friday, September 10, 2010

Melt with BriAnne

In August one of my good friends, BriAnne came to visit Cleveland. She was here with her husband to go to a concert, and take some New York friends they brought with them around the city. I got to meet up with her one afternoon, to have lunch at Melt! It was her first time eating there, and my first time at their new Cleveland Heights location. I always love to go to Melt, but it's extra special to take one of my friends for the first time! Since I always talk about it as my favorite restaurant, my friends for out of town have been dying to go! Although we had a short but melty lunch visit, it was fabulous none the less! Can't wait to go back with you again Bri! I didn't have my camera, but here's a quick snap shot she took while we were there.

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