Friday, March 18, 2011

Velcro Fur

My little Charley LOVES to run and play at our neighbors! She dog-sits and has 2 of her own, so it's always a dog party over there! The downside- she has no grass, snow has melted, and there is mud everywhere! The dogs probably love it, but for the parents, not so much! Charley had a great time playing over there, and came home looking like this... His fur is like VELCRO! Everything sticks to it! His curly poodle fur absorbs whatever is around him and is very hard to maintain. It's hard enough to brush and comb him all the time to get his dreadlocks out, but when he's a muddy mess, oh boy!
He used to be dark brown as a puppy, but now only when he's covered in mud!
Robb gave him a bath this time, since last time my back hurt for days. Look at the muddy water! That was only the rinse cycle. Then there is a wash cycle, a rinse cycle, a conditioner cycle, and a final rinse cycle. It's harder then doing laundry!
Afterwards, he was back to being fuzzy and cappuccino colored again!
But, then he needed brushed and combed! I just love his sweet face peaking out, just dealing with it! He's such a good boy. I've been brushing him since he was a baby, and he's very used to it! Thank goodness!!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Charley is SOO cute! And I am so glad you had such a fabulous 30th B-day, you deserved it!! Love you! :-)