Monday, July 25, 2011

The best feline boys

Here's our Rugby Tiger. He is the boss of the house, a wonderful lap cat, bug catcher, and the loudest purrer on the planet! Chester "Cheeser" is my cuddle baby. Every night he's right here in my arms while we unwind on the couch. See, I'm on the pillow behind him. Every morning he licks my eyes and then snuggles when he hears the alarm going off. He lets Rugby and Charley pick on him, and never gets mad. He has the most sweet personality.We just love our kitties so much! The best part is that they are great brothers. Most cats just tolerate each other, but these two really love each other. You'll see Rugby trying to pick up Chester to carry his baby (yes, a little girly, but still cute). Chester and Rugby give each other "head baths." And they'll cuddle up to take their cat naps together.

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